Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Welcome and Instructions

Welcome to "Shop for Me Pittsburgh." Thanks for helping your neighbors (and/or staying home)!

Do you want (or need) someone to pick up some groceries for you? (Note: this is not a handout; you will be expected to repay them via Venmo, PayPal, or another mutually agreed-upon option)

Fill out this form!

Are you healthy, and want to help neighbors by shopping for them?

Visit this spreadsheet!  

...But first, read this:

How to Use the Spreadsheet
  1. This project relies on people being neighborly. Anyone can edit the Google spreadsheet. Please do not edit or delete items except as noted here. 
  2. If you want to shop for neighbors, you can sort by ZIP code by hovering over the column D header, and clicking on the little arrow that appears
  3. When you shop for someone, enter your name in column G (Shopper) for that row, and the date you went shopping (column H) -- or delete that row entirely. Your choice.
  4. Be kind, wash your hands, wear gloves when shopping and delivering items (please!), and be safe!